
Drink Lots of Water: 10 Good Reasons Why

drink lots of water

Water constitutes 65% of our body, and is vital, as we know. What is less said, however, is that it has several other virtues that should motivate people to drink lots of water.

We know that drinking water keeps you hydrated and that is … quite simply essential. We have integrated it so well that we do not necessarily wonder what are its other benefits. The 1.5 litres of plain water our body needs, some are far from it. The mistake is to wait until you are thirsty before pouring yourself a glass of water, which makes our consumption less than our needs, so let’s say stop this bad habit; your body will thank you later.

So here are our 10 good reasons to drink lots of water every day. 1.5 litres is good but 2 to 3 litres is better.

1. Drinking lots of water can help for weight loss

By drinking more water, especially a little before a meal, you feel fuller and you are less tempted to pounce on food. An important fact that is too often ignored: often hunger is actually a disguised need to drink water. Surprising, isn’t it? Plus, water helps drain the body and flush out toxins! In short, water is good for taking care of your figure naturally and simply!

2. Drinking water helps to remove dark circles

What if those ugly marks still visible after a dozen (several dozen?) Tries of creams and concealer were actually due to a lack of water? A question which is not one since it is the reality, in fact the dehydration will disrupt the absorption of oxygen by the blood, which will impact on the epidermis that we know more finely. place there of the face.

3. Drinking water regularly accelerates mental capacities.

Water is primarily used to fight memory problems, especially as you get older. Staying hydrated can reduce your chances of developing Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and Lou Gehrig’s disease. On the contrary, not drinking enough has adverse effects on short memory.

4. Water fights against constipation and other digestive problems

Digestive problems are the number one cause of doctor visits for women. What if, instead of spending a fortune on medicine or overeating rice, bananas, prunes (depending on our problem of course), we just drank a little more water? It’s worth a try !

5. Water makes you feel less stressed, anxious and depressed

Our brain will be under intense stress if it feels lack of water or if it fears it will run out. Drinking regularly in sufficient quantity therefore gives him the information that there is no danger of running out of water and thus significantly reduces the stress that he transmits to us without our knowledge.

Struggling to drink lots of water? Try our water bottles with marker

6. Drinking plenty of water helps to sleep well

Well, we don’t say to drink a bottle of water right before going to bed … especially for those who tend to wake up at night to go to the toilets. No, what we mean by that is that a well hydrated body will tend to find and follow these sleep cycles naturally, without the disturbances that a dehydrated body experiences. So to sleep well, make sure to drink at least 1.5 litres of water throughout the day!

7. Water reduces ageing marks

Hydration is the first anti-ageing agent for the skin. Of course, we immediately think of moisturising cosmetics, but the best cream can do nothing if we don’t drink enough. Hydrate yes, but first and foremost, from the inside out.

8. Water maintains libido and fights impotence

Problems in bed? It could just be due to dehydration. There, we think of the psych sessions that ruined us for nothing when the cure was maybe just a bottle of water.

9. Water helps to eliminate addiction to tobacco, caffeine, alcohol, drugs

We are very close to having what we call “a healthy life”. Yeah, really, that’s almost it. Except that we smoke, we have a little too much aperitif and impossible to open our eyes properly without our cup of coffee. Just two fingers away, we told you … Trapped in our addictions, we forgot that a remedy helps us free … water. Yep, water, just water!

10. To Drink Lots of Water = To be more efficient

Slack in the gym or up the stairs? Let’s drink ! Water significantly improves physical abilities. How? ‘Or’ What ? Consumed in sufficient quantity, water makes the heart beat better thanks to its action on the fluidity of the blood, which also improves the oxygen supply to the muscles. That’s not all, it helps lower body temperature during exertion, which preserves the joints. We will thank each other at 70, when we suffer a little less arthritis than our neighbour!


It is a good idea to always have a water bottle in hand and drink lots of water regularly. Excessive water consumption is harmless to health. However, it is advisable to remain vigilant because beyond 5 litres of water per day without physical effort, water lowers the sodium concentration in the blood, which can cause cerebral edema in the most severe cases.
Also, drinking too much water can be a sign of diabetes. In any case, in the event of very high consumption, it is advisable to consult a doctor to make sure that this does not present any risk to health.

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